FertilityCare Center of Kansas City
"As if 14 years of monthly debilitating migraines wasn't enough, my body gave way to what I sensed was a "toxin inside": Now, I had d-a-i-l-y pelvic pain, nausea, vomiting, and inability to digest food. When no other practioner could figure out what was causing my multi-system symptoms, Dr. Teresa Hilgers confidently removed endometriosis {that was the toxin!} and gave me the gift of comprehensive health: digestive, reproductive, endocrine and mental."
--Amber W.
--Amber W.
"The relational aspect of charting has helped us grow in our understanding of our shared fertility and produced a sense of wonder and respect for each other. We love that it allows the involvement of both partners, too - I make the observations and he records them on the chart. We're so excited to embrace an openness to life within our marriage and taking FertilityCare classes has prepared us to do that with confidence."
-Aly and William
-Aly and William
After trying to start our family for many months and not seeing success, we were beginning to feel very frustrated and concerned that we wouldn't be able to start a family. When a friend referred us to a Creighton Model consultant we begin working one-on-one with our practitioner to better understand fertility. We worked with our practitioner for a couple of months, each month getting more confident in understanding my body and the way fertility works. After only a short time of tracking, we were able to recognize the correct time of the month and we conceived right away! Without the Creighton Model we may have turned to other unnecessary medical treatments to get pregnant. We are so thankful that the Creighton Model helped us start our family and that we can now use it to plan our family going forward!
-Danielle and Will
-Danielle and Will
the links below contain video testimonials